Late night eating, YES or NO
As a lifestyle coach and weight loss consultant, one of the statements I get to hear a lot is; my tummy is fat, if only I can stop late night eating.
The above statement shows that we know what to do, so why aren’t we doing it?
To prove the above statement: A recent study from the University of Pennsylvania observed nine healthy weight adults under two conditions:
- Daytime eating (3 meals and 2 snacks between 8am and 7pm) for 8 weeks.
2. Delayed eating (3 meals and 2 snacks) from noon to 11pm for 8 weeks.
There was a 2-week rest period in between. Blood samples of the participants were taken before and after both conditions along with weight, metabolism and energy.
The team found weight increased when the participants ate later, and less carbohydrates and fats were metabolised.
Other measurements showed increased insulin, fasting glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
The results showed hormones of appetite and satiety helped prevent overeating later on in the day during the daytime condition.
So why are we still eating late?
If you get home from work late, ensure to have something healthy ready, so that your meal doesn’t take ages to prepare.
On the other hand, going to bed on a rumbling stomach could keep you from falling asleep or wake you up in the middle of the night. Well, a late-night snack will not do you any harm.
In fact, eating just the right amount of nutritious food before bed is one of the ways to improve sleep quality.
Here are some healthy and filling food/snacks you should try, when you have to eat late or can’t sleep due to hunger pangs:
°Porridge oats
°Liquid Soup (like pepper soups, chicken soup, avoid beans or lentils soup).
°Tea (Be sure to choose herbal varieties that don’t contain caffeine). I’d recommend turmeric and ginger tea, which can also serve as a digestive aid.
°Dairy products (avoid cheese though).
°Nuts and seeds especially walnut (nuts are high in calories so try and stick to a hand full and no more).
°Turkey and chicken
Try not to eat more than 200 calories; stick to small snacks, and reduce the portions if you’re about to eat a late dinner.
Remember, calorie reduction is the key to longevity.