What are you doing to your body?
Lately, it seems that with most illness one is advised on what they are eating wrong or foods to stay off. It’s the hard true, but it’s hard to ignore the correlation between nutrition and health.
Following the normal eating trend of foods like pizza, meat pie, sausage rolls, small chops and ice cream (the list is countless). These foods are high in unhealthy fats, sugar and salt and low in fiber, vitamins and minerals. While there’s no denying the fact that these foods taste good, when you eat them, your body must pay the price. In fact, if these foods make up the majority of your diet, you might find yourself in need of a dietary intervention
“Something must kill a man, right?”
nutrition and health
Well there is something called medical nutritional therapy (dietary intervention)
Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) is a dietary intervention that is used to prevent or treat health conditions that are caused by or made worse by unhealthy eating habits. Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) may be used by any person with a variety of medical conditions.
A trending cause of concern these days are our blood pressure or sugar level, in some cases the doctor would recommend you watch your diet to prevent been on a regular medication, or may go ahead and prescribe a medication but with the intention to take you off the mediation if you eat right.
Now the issue is how do i eat right to prevent or to resolve the existing medical issue.
correlation between nutrition and health
Step 1:- Evaluate your current diet.
Step 2: Work out a plan to bring more fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates and plant foods into your diet.
Step 3: Prepare these meal in a healthy way.
Step 4: Begin active (exercise) a little there a little here goes a long way.
Graciousmi lifestyle can help put the above steps into a living reality with our meal plans and coaching services. For additional information on starting a lifestyle change program follow GraciousMi Lifestyle on Twitter, IG:@gracious_mi, like our Facebook page and contact us on info@graciousmilifestyle.com